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2012-01-09 14:30 PM jerseys available for sale at all Rideaway Bicycle Shops in San Antonio
This is the 2012 design:
The jerseys are available in both men’s and women’s sizes, XS through 3XL. In our pre-order, however, we have not included the XS and 3XL sizes. Should a registrant desire either of these sizes, his/her name will be put on a list, and a secondary order will be placed.
For sizing, please consult the Champ-Systems web site sizing chart. Our jerseys are relaxed, "club cut", but we have found that the jerseys still may be a little snug even with the club cut. The quality is outstanding. You may order one as you register, or you may send an order, specifying gender and size, including a check to:
Nolan Kuehn
29370 Duberry Ridge
Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015
Price will be $85 (no tax), plus $5.00 S & H, should you want it sent to you. Checks should be made payable to Friends of LBJ NHP.
Should you wish to just pick it up at REI packet pick-up/pre-registration on Mar. 22 (601 N, noon – 9:00 PM), or at any other packet pick-up/pre-registration, we will have it reserved it
for you the moment we receive your check.
The jerseys will also be available at all three Rideaway Bicycles shops in San Antonio from January 2012 on.