The organizers of the 5th LBJ 100 Bicycle Tour would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all the volunteer helpers, who put in endless hours of patient work, mostly behind the scenes, but also at the early packet pick-ups and on the day of the tour itself, helpers without whose efforts this great event would not have been possible, and – of course – we would like to thank all our generous sponsors, too.
A special and heartfelt thank you to all the Rangers of the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park, without whose invaluable and tireless help this event would not have been possible.
And last but not least we’d also like to thank all of the nearly 1,400 the riders for their attendance as it is only them that make such an event a real success. And we’d especially want to thank them for their patience with all our little [hopefully not big] shortcomings in organizing such a large event.
To help us to learn and improve next year’s ride, we’d be grateful for any – positive or negative – comment, suggestion and/or criticism, by e-mail to and/or by leaving your comment on our weblog: we’d really appreciate your feedback.
If you have a (short) story/account of your ride, or pictures or even video(s), we’d appreciate it if you’d let us post them on our website. In case you upload video clips to YouTube, we’d appreciate if you let us know the link. Please, e-mail them to
And last but not least: we hope to see you all again at the Sixth Annual LBJ 100 Bicycle Tour.
Meanwhile: safe bicycling to you all!